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The population of human beings has grown enormously in the past two centuries. Proportionally, the utilization of resources also increased- building houses, burning fuel for transportation, and much more. The continuation of life depends upon how carefully we use renewable and non-renewable resources. These natural resources should be consumed by humans judiciously since they are valuable for their intrinsic values. For instance, crude petroleum is an exhaustible source of energy, however, we will face its deficiency at some point in time since nature won't be able to produce at the same rate, we consume it. They should be used judicially, and because of their utmost importance, we have to think about their conservation. Along with the preservation for utilization, they are required to maintain environmental balance - prevent soil erosion, control floods and draughts, and maintain a balance of CO2 and O2 in the air for the forest. Though nature provides water abundantly, now we scarcity of water across the globe. With time, getting fresh and clean water is costly, and even scarce in some parts of the world. At this point, it has not become a duty but a mandatory objective to conserve and preserve natural resources for the smooth sustainability of humans, and if we don't do it religiously, we will soon face nature's reaction in form of floods, draughts and other natural calamities.

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