Nano-Bio Trends 2019-07-18T06:57:50+00:00 Eureka Journals Open Journal Systems <p style="text-align: justify;">Nano-Bio Trends (Nano-Bio_Trends) is bi-annually published quick reviewed International Scientific Journal. Article published in this journal includes original research, reviews, letters, brief communication, case studies, article of professional interest, technical notes and magazines in the field of Nano-Bio Trends. The main objective of this International journal is to enhance, and promote the research work for improvement in efficiency, reduction in maintenance cost, and high quality of finish goods. This journal is not limited to the manufacturing side improvement but also include management inside the manufacturing units, solutions of problems arises due to capacity addition by adoption of new technology in industries for their existing units as well as for new proposed units.</p> ROLE OF THE BIOLOGICAL PROCESSES IN SOILFORMING PROCESS AND SOIL FERTILITY (AZERBAIJAN, SHAMAKHY) 2019-07-18T06:57:50+00:00 RF BAGIROVA <p>The article discusses the impact of the erosion process on mountain black terrestrial, suitable for planting soils widespread in the Shamakhi region of Azerbaijan, which are more or less subject to erosion, which impairs its fertility, weakens fertility etc. It should be recognized that the influence of agricultural activity of man on the processes taking place in the soil is a deeply studied problem. What contributed to the negligence of the soil, its incorrect and irrational use which weaken its fertility, change the normal direction of the process of soil formation. According to the latest data, more than 50% of the soils of the Shamakhi region are subject to the process of water and irrigation erosion, a process that is widely distributed mainly in mountain black-terrestrial. According to well-known scientists of the republic, it was found that substances synthesized by microorganisms that regulate the complex processes occurring in the soil. For example, the conversion of plant residues and organic substances into humus takes place under the influence of complex environmental factors, which impairs its fertility. This was compared to our study of the dynamics of microbiological activity in black mountain soils and the effect of erosion on it at the object of study. As you know, humus is the basis of soil fertility. For this reason and in the process of research, the factors that form the soil were the focus of genetic science on soil. The results of the study proved that the erosion process, which occurred in nature, possessing a huge potential for its destructive power, destroys the surface fertile soil layer, cancels its fertility and, therefore, removes soil from agricultural circulation. Being a dynamic process, it changes the appearance of a zone, as a rule, a landscape that is widely distributed in the mountainous and foothill zones of the region. This is the reason for the change of the initial relief in the morphological structure and mountain landscapes.</p>