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Data mining is the vast field for extracting the meaningful information from data warehouse. Development of every is country education is the essential thing. To make the education easier the board term called data mining is used. Number of field where the data mining plays an important role. Data mining in education gives various techniques, methods and tools for the better understanding. Education data mining fields describes research field concern with application of data mining, machine learning and statistics. EDM muffled the learning management system, student attraction student retention.
The EDM consist of the phase likewise discovering relationship in data discover relationship must be validated to avoid over fitting, prediction about future in event in learning environment, prediction are used to support decision making process. The various application of data mining is analysis and visualization of data recommendation for student, student modeling, grouping of student, social network analysis. This type of approach gives high confidence to student in their studies. It also highlights the opportunities for future. The various data mining techniques such as cluster technique, decision tree technique which can apply to education system. The various techniques such as CLUSTRING technique, APRIORI TECHNIQE decision tree, which can apply to education system.