The Perceived Effects of Health and Environmental Hazards of Charcoal Production in Marampa Chiefdom, Port Loko District, Northwest Region Sierra Leone

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Elvis Mohamed Koroma Dumbuya James Fallah Paul Bourne Tabitha Muchee Zandy U. Elliott Rebecca Esliker Sr., Magdalene Umoh Abraham Jimmy Tamba Matturie


Background: The production of charcoal has provided various alternative sources of income in most rural communities. However, the health and environmental hazards associated with the production have contributed to many life-changing events influencing people and the environment globally.

Objective: This study aimed to examine whether the production of charcoal has health and environmental hazards that affect the people and the environment and what the contributing factors are that lead to charcoal production in Marampa Chiefdom, Port Loko Northwest region of Sierra Leone.

Research Methodology: A descriptive quantitative exploratory research design was employed with a probability stratified random sampling technique. A structured questionnaire was used to survey 100 respondents in 11 villages targeting charcoal producers, and charcoal tradersin Marampa Chiefdom. Statistical Packages for Social Sciences (SPSS) Version 22 was used to analyse the data.

Results: The findings indicate most of the sampled respondents were middle age (53%, n= 53) and youths (47%, n=47) and that (63%, n=63) were farming as primary livelihood, fishing (6%, n=6), teaching (6%, n=6) and trading (16%, n=16). The key factors responsible for charcoal production are poverty 34%, energy demand 16%, population growth 16%, trees availability 11%, and weak enforcement 9%. The awareness of health and environmental hazards is 100% as indicated by the respondents. A cross tabulation of awareness and health hazards was noticed, indicating 100% for all the respondents.

Conclusions: Most charcoal producers, traders, and users in Marampa Chiefdom know charcoal production's health and environmental hazards. Furthermore, the study revealed that the reasons responsible for charcoal production in Marampa Chiefdom are poverty, energy demand, population growth, tree availability, and weak enforcement of the policies and laws governing charcoal production and utilisation.

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