International Journal on Emerging Trends in Electronics & Communication Engineering [ISSN: 2581-558X (online)] 2024-05-09T07:22:03+00:00 Eureka Journals Open Journal Systems <p style="text-align: justify;">International&nbsp;Journal on Emerging Trends in Electronics &amp; Communication Engineering (IJETECE) warmly welcomes high quality papers of recent Research and Development work as well as theoretical applications in the field of Electronics &amp; Communication and interdisciplinary areas. This journal also opens doors&nbsp;for interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary research. Articles published in this&nbsp;Journal include original research papers, informative reviews, letters, short communications, case studies, articles of professional interest, and technical notes. All submitted scientific research work is&nbsp;screened at a fast pace by the Editorial Board or other concerned members to make the publication process of manuscripts rapid.</p> The Relationship and Creativity between Literary Writing and Cinema 2024-05-09T07:22:03+00:00 Dr. Ajay Krishna Tiwari <p>Confirming the urgency of the problem identified in the title of this research article, first of all, we find here the relationship between literature and cinema which is marked by a kind of undeclared censorship. Depending on the time this distrust tends to more or less inhibit reflection on the interactions between the two arts. At a time when art is going through a crisis in terms of imagination and creativity, critics believe that literary texts can answer cinema's defense, while condemning cinema's lack of openness in works of fiction. However, some literary works present a fictional story that is difficult, or even unsuitable, to transfer to the screen. In this sense, we can sometimes see that the gap between text and script has become too wide. We will analyze in this article the similarities and spatio-temporal divergences between Tahar Benjelloun's novel The Prayer of the Absent and the film by filmmaker Hamid Bennani, which bears the same name, and who attempted to translate this novel to the screen. We conclude with reference to the results that the spatio-temporal structure of the novel remains elusive and thus a major obstacle with respect to cinema adaptation.</p> 2024-05-09T07:22:02+00:00