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We have entered an era of energy crisis with parallel increase in demands and consumption of same. Facts say that a large part of total energy consumption is credited to operations associated with construction and buildings and most of that is dedicated to the lighting systems. Necessity, demand, and advantage of design of buildings with energy efficiency co-operation, that too right from the planning stage is a major challenge for architects and construction expertise of building industry India is rapidly growing economy where the energy demand far out strips the generation. Energy conservation has been identified as a national priority by the government of India and several measures have been initiated towards energy efficiency Urban storm water continues to be a persistent and growing source of water pollution across the United States. Climate change is leading to more intense weather events and dwindling water supplies. Together these conditions stress the performance of the nation’s water infrastructure. Green infrastructure is an adaptable and multifunctional approach to storm water management and climate resiliency with many benefits for communities. Green infrastructure is an approach to water management that protects, restores, or mimics the natural water cycle. Green infrastructure is a strategically planned network of natural and semi-natural areas with other environmental features designed and managed to deliver a wide range of ecosystem services such as water purification, air quality, space for recreation and climate mitigation and adaptation.  Green Infrastructure Issues can arise in any human settlement but may be exacerbated in towns and cities; an example of such an issue is building energy use Green infrastructure e offers significant potential in adapting our towns and cities for climate change. It provides vital ecosystem services, which will become even more critical with climate change.
This green infrastructure, this opportunity needs to be recognized in the statutory planning process at all scales from the Regional Spatial Strategies, through Local Development Frameworks to development control within urban neighborhoods.
The broad approach to energy efficiency is to optimize the energy use by reducing energy demand in residential building (hostels, apartments and homes).

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